Breno Baptista

Integrating AppImages with appimaged


By reading the FAQ, I learned that the AppImage developer created a tool called appimaged to officially add entries to the applications menu.

Using the optional appimaged daemon, you can easily integrate AppImages with the system. The daemon puts AppImages into the menus, registers MIME types, icons, all on the fly.

I replaced Gear Lever with this solution and I discovered that it is exactly what I was looking for! However, in my opinion, the website lacks clear reference to this software (it's hidden, not mentioned often) so I decided to write a quick blog post about it to maybe help somebody.

Using it

Following the instructions is pretty simple:

  • Download it from "Releases" section of the repository
  • Move it to the ~/Applications folder
  • Launch it once

The daemon will install/uninstall apps automatically to the application menu as the AppImages are found in the folders being watched.

When new AppImages finish downloading to ~/Downloads, you'll see a notification that they have been installed. If you want to move it to a more permanent location, move it to ~/Applications.

To uninstall the application, simply delete the file. As soon as it gets removed from the folder, you'll see a notification that it has been uninstalled.

The instructions also include how to completely remove appimaged from the system.

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Breno Baptista is a software engineer who likes to explore new things every day. He is interested in Linux, open-source software, digital privacy and front-end development.