Breno Baptista

Customizing a Terminal With Zsh


Table of Contents

1. Zsh

Zsh is an alternative to Bash. Many of the useful features of Bash were incorporated into Zsh, but also many original features were added.

2. Oh My Zsh

Oh My Zsh is a framework for managing your Zsh configuration.

You don't strictly need it as you can simply choose the "Manual Installation (Git Clone)" option for the plugins.


To use plugins with Oh My Zsh, you'll need to git clone and enable them in your ~/.zshrc file.

These are the plugins most people use with Zsh:


3. Changing theme (optional)

You can choose between themes from Oh My Zsh by replacing ZSH_THEME="robbyrussell" in ~/.zshrc. I personally like the default theme, so I just leave it there.

4. Changing auto-update behavior (optional)

By default, you will be prompted to confirm updates every 2 weeks. I find this behavior pretty annoying.

You can choose other update modes by uncommenting one of the lines in your ~/.zshrc file.

Disable automatic updates

zstyle ':omz:update' mode disabled

Profile picture

Breno Baptista is a software engineer who likes to explore new things every day. He is interested in Linux, open-source software, digital privacy and front-end development.